Saturday, January 14, 2012


Well, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I'll take a shot and hope for the best! :)  I am not a blogger...or should I say was not?  My good friend Michelle is who brought it up to me that it might be something I'd like to do, and since I jump whenever someone says to(haha), I decided to give it a try.  Thanks Michelle, I know you'll catch me if I fall! :)
Again, I am noone special, just me, Jess to my family and friends, Jessi to very few, J to my sister, babe to my husband, and mom/ma to my kids (and some of their friends). I try to make the most of life however and wherever it takes me.  I'm not always happy and those that say they are are probably lying or have some really good drugs, and I don't do drugs so I am not always happy :) haha!  What I am is Strong, and I can say that now, I used to not be able to, or feel like, "No way, I'm not a strong person, not with others to compare myself to who have done and gone through trials and tribulations that I could never imagine ever going through" But, yes, I am strong because I have learned that everyone has a breaking point, and a point of restoration.  And sometimes more than one!  I know I have reached a severe bending point in my life, nothing I will go over now, but I know that everyone is different and it varies from person to person and knowing that I am not broken after feeling like I could have been is what keeps me going and what makes me strong.
I do my best to be a good wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, aunt, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, cousin, niece, and just plain person. I pray and thank the Lord above for all that I am and all that I have.  I don't like to discuss religion, but if you ask me I'll tell you, I believe in God, and I have strong faith in Him.  People matter a lot to me, even if I don't know you.  It's hard not to care.  I like a lot of people, but not everybody likes me, and I'm ok with that.  I can't and don't really hide my emotions, part of being a military wife I guess, then again it could be because I'm a Scorpio! hehe!
Like I said, I don't blog, and am not sure how much I'll keep up with this, but I'm glad I gave it a try....I guess when I have something to "get off my chest" or something nice I'd like to share this is where I'll come...if I can remember!

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